Yoga meditation is the combination of yoga and meditation. The main goal of yoga is to achieve harmony and peace of mind. Yoga meditation helps you achieve this goal. It can also help you become a better person. You will be able to get rid of your stress, tension and anxiety.
There are many benefits of yoga meditation. You will find it very useful in getting rid of stress, tension and anxiety. It will also help you in reducing your blood pressure and heart rate. This will help you feel more relaxed and peaceful. You will have more energy and vitality. You will have more control over your emotions and thoughts.
If you want to start yoga meditation, there are some tips that you need to follow. These tips will help you get started with yoga meditation. You can use these tips for both beginners and advanced yogis.

1. Make sure that you have done your yoga exercises before you start yoga meditation. This will ensure that you have a firm foundation on which to build your meditation practice.

2. You should sit comfortably on a chair or on the floor. Make sure that you have chosen the right place to sit. You should sit on an even surface. Your spine should be straight and your head should be slightly tilted back. If you are sitting on the floor, you should make sure that you have chosen a comfortable position.
3. You should close your eyes and relax. Focus on your breathing. As you breathe in, feel the air filling your lungs. As you breathe out, let go of all the tensions that you have accumulated during the day. Just let them go. When you feel calm, you should begin your yoga meditation session.
4. You should focus on your breathing. As you inhale, feel the air fill your lungs. As you exhale, let go of all the negative thoughts that you have accumulated during the course of the day. Let them go. Just let them go.
5. When you feel calm, open your eyes and continue your meditation session.
These are just some of the tips that you can use to start yoga meditation. There are many other tips that you can use as well. These tips will help you start your yoga meditation sessions.