There are many different types of meditation. The most popular type is called Transcendental Meditation (TM). It is based on Vedic philosophy, and is the oldest form of meditation practiced in India.
Vedic philosophy has been around for over 5000 years, and is a combination of Hinduism and Buddhism. The main idea behind Vedic philosophy is that the universe is made up of many different energy fields, called ‘chakras’. Each chakra is connected to a specific element of nature. There are five major chakras:

1) The Root Chakra – connects to the earth
2) Sacral Chakra – connects to water
3) Solar Plexus Chakra – connects to fire
4) Heart Chakra – connects to air
5) Throat Chakra – connects to ether
These chakras are also associated with different emotions. For example, the Root Chakra is associated with survival and security. The Sacral Chakra is associated with fertility, love, and sexual desire. The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with power and leadership. The Heart Chakra is associated with empathy and compassion. And the Throat Chakra is associated with communication and truth.
The practice of TM is based on the idea that there is an energy field that connects all living things. This energy field is called the ‘Hara’, and it can be felt in the body by tensing certain muscles. When you tense these muscles, you create a feeling of expansion, and when you relax them, you create a feeling of contraction. The goal of TM is to keep this energy field in balance, and to experience peace and happiness.
TM is often taught as a daily practice. However, it is possible to meditate without doing it daily. The first step in meditation is to become aware of your breath. If you are not breathing, then you will not be able to meditate. Once you have become aware of your breath, you will start to feel a sense of expansion in your body. You will feel light, calm, and peaceful. As you continue to focus on your breath, you will begin to feel your body relaxing. Your mind will start to become more focused, and you will be able to concentrate on whatever you want.
Once you have learned how to meditate, you may want to try it out. You will find that it is much easier than you think.