Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries. It involves focusing on something other than everyday thoughts, such as your breathing or a single thought/image to calm the mind down. . The process of meditation can help improve concentration and memory skills while reducing stress levels too! Additionally it helps individuals handle problems better by increasing their ability to cope with difficult situations and people effectively. personal satisfaction also increases when one learns how to control emotions through this technique. There are five stages in meditation: 1) Focused attention where you concentrate solely on your breath; 2) Open monitoring which entails listening carefully without trying to interpret sounds around us; 3) Mantra repetition – repeating words or phrases silently; 4) Heartbeat awareness- paying close attention to heart rhythms; finally 5) Sensory perceptions – acknowledging bodily sensations during meditation sessions. focus should be placed on each stage individually until mastery is achieved before moving onto another level. Meditating may involve sitting quietly cross legged or lying flat on cushion or mattress comfortably positioned so that no discomfort arises from posture changes over time. Avoid distractors like noise pollution or using electronic devices prior to starting session instead opt for peaceful surroundings conducive towards relaxation. Finally avoid eating or drinking anything right before commencing meditation exercise since digestion requires energy away from mental clarity needed during these practices.